What Is A Heart-Wall?
What is a Heart-Wall and why do so many people have one? 93% of people have a heart-wall, which is symbolic of the times we are living in.
What is a Heart-Wall and why do so many people have one? 93% of people have a heart-wall, which is symbolic of the times we are living in.
Clearing one’s heart-wall has a multitude of benefits. Clients say they feel lighter, more confident, more connected, more open to love, and much more!
On average, it can take 3-5 sessions to clear a heart-wall. Clearing my heart-wall radically changed my life and it can do the same for you!
What can I expect during, and after, a Body Code healing? Everyone is different but there are a few commonalities.
I charge $200 for a session or $1111 for 6
The Purification Process is an unavoidable aspect of the healing, or spiritual, journey. After a Body Code healing clients often go through a purification process to integrate the healing.
What's the difference between the conscious and subconscious mind and how can we access the subconscious mind for positive change and healing?
Working with the subconscious mind is like working with a super computer database. The subconscious mind stores all our experiences, memory's, beliefs, and more!
My energy healing work focuses on identifying and addressing the root cause of disease. What is an imbalance and how do we correct it?
The 6 imbalances that lead to all disease include: Energy, Circuit or System, Toxin, Pathogens, Misalignment, and Nutrition or Lifestyle.