It Feels Good To Release Old Emotions


It Feels Good To Release Old Emotions


Energy Healing That Works

JAMES TRINLEYShaman & Energy Healer

Who Is James?

Welcome to my website! My name is James Trinley; James is my birth name and Trinley is my given spiritual name which means “Enlightened Activity” in Tibetan.

I am a powerful shamanic healer and emotion-based energy healer. I have studied a multitude of healing modalities but decided to focus on Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing as these modalities provided the most profound healing.

I was born in, and still live in, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Within my birth family, I come from a long line of healers with roots in ancient Ireland almost 10,000 years ago. Many of the women were healers within their community and many of the men were powerful Druids. We come from traditions similar to what people today would call Paganism as we worked closely, and in harmony with, the forces of nature and the environment.

I’m an old soul and a seeker of truth and justice. I have been on a Healing Journey for over 16 years, facing much pain and suffering in an effort to help myself, others, and the environment.

There have been many points in my life where I felt utterly hopeless. I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and nobody was able to help me. I felt like a lost soul lacking direction, purpose, and clarity. That is until I found the Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing systems.

The thing that separates me from other practitioners is that I am also a Shamanic Healer; This means that I work with the spirit world that is all around us, in addition to the emotion, and energy-based healing, using the Emotion Code and Body Code.

My mission is to help you awaken and embody your true potential. I have been blessed with the tools and power to offer effective and lasting positive changes in your life.

Every day I heal, grow, and evolve and work to help others do the same thing.

Are you ready to heal, grow, and evolve?

Emotion Code Certified Badge
Body Code Badge

Who Is James?

JAMES TRINLEYShaman & Energy Healer

Welcome to my website! My name is James Trinley; James is my birth name and Trinley is my given spiritual name which means “Enlightened Activity” in Tibetan.

I am a powerful shamanic healer and emotion-based energy healer. I have studied a multitude of healing modalities but decided to focus on Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing as these modalities provided the most profound healing.

I was born in, and still live in, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Within my birth family, I come from a long line of healers with roots in ancient Ireland almost 10,000 years ago. Many of the women were healers within their community and many of the men were powerful Druids. We come from traditions similar to what people today would call Paganism as we worked closely, and in harmony with, the forces of nature and the environment.

I’m an old soul and a seeker of truth and justice. I have been on a Healing Journey for over 16 years, facing much pain and suffering in an effort to help myself, others, and the environment.

There have been many points in my life where I felt utterly hopeless. I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and nobody was able to help me. I felt like a lost soul lacking direction, purpose, and clarity. That is until I found the Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing systems.

The thing that separates me from other practitioners is that I am also a Shamanic Healer; This means that I work with the spirit world that is all around us, in addition to the emotion, and energy-based healing, using the Emotion Code and Body Code.

My mission is to help you awaken and embody your true potential. I have been blessed with the tools and power to offer effective and lasting positive changes in your life.

Every day I heal, grow, and evolve and work to help others do the same thing.

Are you ready to heal, grow, and evolve?

Emotion Code Certified Badge
Body Code Badge

Who Is James?

JAMES TRINLEYShaman & Energy Healer

Welcome to my website! My name is James Trinley; James is my birth name and Trinley is my given spiritual name which means “Enlightened Activity” in Tibetan.

I am a powerful shamanic healer and emotion-based energy healer. I have studied a multitude of healing modalities but decided to focus on Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing as these modalities provided the most profound healing.

I was born in, and still live in, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Within my birth family, I come from a long line of healers with roots in ancient Ireland almost 10,000 years ago. Many of the women were healers within their community and many of the men were powerful Druids. We come from traditions similar to what people today would call Paganism as we worked closely, and in harmony with, the forces of nature and the environment.

I’m an old soul and a seeker of truth and justice. I have been on a Healing Journey for over 16 years, facing much pain and suffering in an effort to help myself, others, and the environment.

There have been many points in my life where I felt utterly hopeless. I felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders and nobody was able to help me. I felt like a lost soul lacking direction, purpose, and clarity. That is until I found the Emotion Code and Body Code energy healing systems.

The thing that separates me from other practitioners is that I am also a Shamanic Healer; This means that I work with the spirit world that is all around us, in addition to the emotion, and energy-based healing, using the Emotion Code and Body Code.

My mission is to help you awaken and embody your true potential. I have been blessed with the tools and power to offer effective and lasting positive changes in your life.

Every day I heal, grow, and evolve and work to help others do the same thing.

Are you ready to heal, grow, and evolve?

Emotion Code Certified Badge
Body Code Badge

Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Healing

Benefits & Outcomes

Mental, Emotional, Physical, And Spiritual Healing

Benefits & Outcomes

What Is The Body Code & Emotion Code?

What Is The Body Code & Emotion Code?

The Body Code is the most advanced healing system the world has ever known. The Body Code is an extension of the Emotion Code, but many times more powerful and advanced. Where the Emotion Code deals strictly with trapped emotions, the Body Code takes energy healing to a whole other level.

The Emotion Code is amazing for clearing out negative emotions and removing heart walls, which has health benefits in itself! However, the Body Code goes much deeper. The Body Code addresses the root causes of nearly all diseases that humanity faces today.

When it comes to healing and maintaining one’s health, balance is key! When an organ, gland, chakra, or anything else in the body goes out of balance, the inevitable result is some form of a disease. In some cases the imbalances can be a result of trapped emotions, however, this is not always the case. Consequently, this is why the Body Code was developed. The Body Code addresses imbalances in the following 6 areas:

  • Pathogens
  • Circuits and Systems
  • Misalignments
  • Toxicity
  • Nutrition and Lifestyle
  • Energies

With the Body Code, we are able to find and eliminate the underlying causes of illness, prevent problems from becoming worse, and ward off disease from developing in the first place. The Body Code opens the door to deep and lasting transformations that will have a profoundly positive impact on your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health.

Benefits Of Body Code Healing

Benefits Of
Body Code Healing

Mental Health

  • Remove false and limiting beliefs
  • Calm the mind and inner critic
  • Eliminate the root cause of depression and anxiety

Emotional Health

  • Remove trapped emotions to bring the body/mind back into balance
  • Clear the baggage of your past and feel safe to open your heart to the world
  • Experience more fulfilling relationships with yourself and others

Physical Health

  • Easily reduce, or even eliminate, physical pain and discomfort
  • Feel comfortable, confident, and at peace in your body
  • Restore balance in the body to strengthen your immune system

Spiritual Health

  • Deepen your yoga and/or meditation practice
  • Reconnect to your higher power and your own divinity
  • Discover your life purpose

articles & stories

From The Blog

From The Blog


Enlightenment is the state of self-realization, where one transcends the limitations of the ego and recognizes their unity with the divine or ultimate reality.

Liberation From Samsara

Is it possible to attain liberation from the cycle of suffering (Samsara), realize the ultimate truth, and awaken to one’s true nature and potential?


The Wheel Of Life, also known as The Bhavachakra, has six realms: the God Realm, the Demi-God Realm, the Human Realm, the Animal Realm, the Hungry Ghost Realm, and the Hell Realm.

The Six Realms Of Existence

Each of the six realms represents a state of existence in which beings can be reborn based on their karma, the consequences of their actions, and their state of mind. Where do you fit into the Six Realms Of Samsara?


In this age, people are driven by their egos, leading to division, intolerance, violence, and a lack of empathy and compassion.

The Age Of Darkness

The last, and darkest, of the four Yugas is characterized by immense spiritual decline, decay in moral values, increase in conflicts, wars, chaos, and materialism, and a diminishing connection to higher realms of consciousness.

What Is A Modern Shaman?

What Is A Modern Shaman?

A modern shaman refers to an individual who incorporates traditional shamanic practices into contemporary society.

Shamanism is an ancient spiritual and healing practice that has been present in various cultures around the world throughout history.

Traditionally, shamans were revered as spiritual intermediaries who could communicate with the spirit world and help individuals with matters relating to health, guidance, and spiritual growth. From the beginning of humanity until now, this has not changed.

Many people seek out shamanic practitioners for spiritual guidance, energy healing, protection, and personal transformation.

The shamanic worldview emphasizes the interconnectedness of everything, harmony with nature, and holistic well-being.

The concept of a modern shaman has evolved to accommodate the needs and contexts of today’s world just as it has since the beginning of humanity itself.

Recently, shamanism has gained popularity as a response to the disconnection, disharmony, and fragmentation experienced in modern society.

While traditional shamanic practices may still be part of their repertoire, modern shamans often adapt and integrate these practices with contemporary tools and approaches.

A modern shaman can effectively translate ancient teachings, shamanic rituals, and healing practices to make them understandable and accessible to a modern audience, empowering them to help themselves, others, and the environment.

By combining ancient wisdom with modern psychological understanding and therapeutic modalities, the modern shaman may incorporate elements such as advanced meditation techniques, energy healing, drumming, breath-work, healing ceremonies and rituals, visualization, and counselling or spiritual guidance.

The term “modern shaman” is not universally recognized or accepted within all shamanic traditions or cultures. Additionally, the practice of shamanism varies significantly across different cultures, so the specific role and practices of a modern shaman can differ depending on the individual and their cultural background.

If you are interested in learning more about shamanism or feel as if you have received the call to become a shaman, I highly recommend reading the article “What Is A Shaman?” linked below: