Love Magic: Good Or Bad?

In the realm of magic and mysticism, few topics captivate the imagination quite like love spells. From ancient folklore to modern pop culture, the idea of using magical incantations to attract love, mend broken hearts, or ignite passion has long held a fascination for people around the world.

But what is the truth behind these enchanting practices? Are love spells the stuff of fairy tales, or do they hold real power? Let’s delve into the intriguing world of love spells and separate fact from fiction.

Love spells have a rich and diverse history that spans cultures and centuries. From ancient Egypt to medieval Europe, people have turned to magic to influence matters of the heart.

Love spells come in many forms and vary depending on the intention behind them. Different love spells also have their own rituals, incantations, and traditions.

In order to fully understand love spells it’s essential to understand the different types of love.

7 Kinds Of Love

To fully grasp the nature of love spells we must first understand the different types of love. The Greek language does a great job of categorizing different types of love.

Each type of love has its own nuances and characteristics. Here’s a brief overview of each:

1. Passionate Or Romantic Love (Eros)

Eros refers to romantic, passionate, or erotic love. It is often associated with physical attraction, desire, and longing, especially for basic needs such as survival and reproduction. Eros is the type of love typically depicted in romantic relationships and is characterized by intense emotions and a strong desire for intimacy.

Eros, in Greek mythology, was the god of love and sexual desire. The term “eros” is also used more broadly to refer to romantic or passionate love, particularly in philosophical and psychological contexts. Eros is often contrasted with other forms of love, such as philia (friendship love) and agape (unconditional, selfless love), due to its association with physical attraction and desire.

Eros is characterized by intense emotions and a strong desire for intimacy and connection with another person. It is often described as a powerful force that can drive individuals to seek out romantic relationships and form deep emotional bonds. Eros is associated with feelings of longing, yearning, and infatuation, as well as physical attraction and sexual desire.

In psychology, the concept of eros has been explored by thinkers such as Sigmund Freud, who viewed it as one of the primary motivating forces behind human behavior. Freud believed that eros, along with the “death instinct” (thanatos), played a central role in shaping human personality and driving individuals to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

In philosophical discussions, eros is often seen as a complex and multifaceted concept that encompasses both physical desire and a deeper, more spiritual longing for union with another person. It is often contrasted with mere lust or desire, as it is seen as a higher form of love that involves the whole person, including their emotional, intellectual, and spiritual dimensions.

Overall, eros is a central and fundamental aspect of human experience, representing the powerful force of love and desire that drives individuals to connect with others in intimate and meaningful ways.

2. Brotherly Or Friendship Love (Philia)

Philia is often translated as “brotherly love” or “friendship” and is characterized by deep mutual understanding, loyalty, and camaraderie. Philia is the type of love that exists between close friends or family members and is based on mutual respect and shared experiences.

Philia is often considered one of the highest forms of love because it is based on genuine care, respect, and goodwill towards others. It involves a sense of camaraderie and shared experiences that create a strong bond between individuals. Philia is often associated with qualities such as trust, empathy, and loyalty, which are essential for building and maintaining healthy relationships.

In Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics, philia is described as a virtue that is essential for human flourishing. Aristotle believed that cultivating strong and meaningful friendships was crucial for living a virtuous and fulfilling life. He argued that true friendship is based on mutual admiration and a shared commitment to moral values, rather than superficial qualities or self-interest.

Philosophers and thinkers throughout history have extolled the virtues of philia and its importance in human relationships. From the ancient Greeks to modern-day scholars, the concept of philia continues to be a central theme in discussions about love, ethics, and human nature.

In contemporary usage, philia is often used to describe the deep affection and bond that exists between close friends or family members. It is seen as a type of love that transcends mere physical attraction or desire and is based on a profound connection and mutual respect. Philia is considered an essential component of a fulfilling and meaningful life, as it provides a sense of belonging, support, and companionship that enriches our experiences and enhances our well-being.

Philia, often translated as “brotherly love” or “friendship love,” is a concept deeply rooted in ancient Greek philosophy and ethics. It represents a type of love characterized by deep affection, mutual respect, and camaraderie between individuals. Unlike romantic or familial love, which may be based on physical attraction or blood ties, philia is grounded in shared experiences, values, and interests.

Philia is considered one of the highest forms of love in Greek philosophy, alongside other types such as agape (unconditional love) and eros (romantic love). It is viewed as essential for fostering strong interpersonal relationships, building communities, and promoting social harmony.

Key characteristics of philia include:

  • Mutual Respect: Philia is based on a foundation of mutual respect and admiration between individuals. It involves recognizing and valuing the strengths, virtues, and qualities of the other person.
  • Shared Values and Interests: Philia often develops between individuals who share common values, interests, or goals. Whether it’s a shared passion for a hobby, a commitment to a cause, or a similar outlook on life, these shared experiences help deepen the bond of friendship.
  • Trust and Loyalty: Trust and loyalty are essential components of philia. Friends rely on each other for support, guidance, and companionship, and they are there for each other through both good times and bad.
  • Reciprocity: Philia is inherently reciprocal, meaning that it involves a give-and-take relationship between friends. Each person contributes to the friendship in their own way, whether through emotional support, practical assistance, or simply spending time together.
  • Emotional Connection: While philia does not typically involve the intense emotional and physical attraction found in romantic love, it still fosters a deep emotional connection between friends. Friends share their thoughts, feelings, and experiences with each other, creating a sense of intimacy and understanding.

Philia is celebrated and valued in many cultures and societies around the world as an essential aspect of human relationships. It enriches our lives, provides us with support and companionship, and reminds us of the importance of connection and community. Whether through childhood friendships, lifelong companionship, or new connections forged later in life, philia brings joy, fulfillment, and meaning to our lives.

3. Familial Love (Storge)

Storge is a type of familial love or affection. It is the natural affection that exists between parents and children, siblings, or other family members. Storge is often described as a deep, unconditional love that is based on familiarity, dependency, and mutual care.

Storge, often pronounced as “store-jay,” is a Greek word for a specific type of love that is familial or affectionate in nature. It is a natural form of love that exists between parents and children, siblings, or other family members. Storge is often described as a deep, unconditional, and enduring love that is based on familiarity, dependency, and shared experiences.

Unlike romantic or passionate love (Eros) or friendship love (Philia), which are based on mutual attraction or admiration, storge is more rooted in a sense of duty, care, and commitment to family. It is often seen as a more stable and enduring form of love that provides a sense of security, belonging, and support within the family unit.

Storge is characterized by a deep bond of affection and loyalty that develops over time through shared experiences and mutual care. It is often expressed through acts of kindness, compassion, and selflessness towards family members, even in the absence of romantic or friendship ties.

In Greek mythology, storge is often associated with the love between parents and children, such as the bond between the goddess Demeter and her daughter Persephone. This myth highlights the deep maternal love and protective instinct that is characteristic of storge.

In modern contexts, storge is seen as an important aspect of family life and is considered essential for the emotional well-being and development of individuals. It provides a sense of stability, security, and belonging that helps to nurture and support individuals as they navigate the challenges of life.

Overall, storge is a profound and meaningful form of love that plays a crucial role in shaping our relationships with family members and in contributing to our overall sense of happiness and fulfillment.

4. Unconditional Love (Agape)

Agape is a selfless, unconditional love that transcends personal gain or benefit. It is often described as divine or spiritual love and is characterized by compassion, kindness, and altruism. Agape is the highest form of love in Christian theology and is seen as the ideal form of love that humans should strive for.

Agape is a Greek word often used to describe a selfless, unconditional love that transcends personal gain or benefit. It is regarded as the highest form of love and is often associated with divine or spiritual love in religious contexts, particularly within Christianity.

In Christian theology, agape is considered to be the purest and most noble form of love, exemplified by God’s love for humanity and the sacrificial love of Jesus Christ. It is characterized by compassion, kindness, and altruism, and is expressed through acts of generosity, forgiveness, and service to others.

Recent studies link altruism with a number of benefits. In the short-term, an altruistic act leaves us with a euphoric feeling, the so-called “helper’s high”. In the longer term, altruism has been associated with better mental and physical health, and even greater longevity.

Unlike other forms of love, such as romantic love (Eros), which may be based on desire or attraction, or friendship love (Philia), which may be based on mutual respect or shared interests, agape is entirely selfless and seeks nothing in return. It is a love that extends beyond the boundaries of personal relationships and encompasses all of humanity.

In addition to its religious significance, agape is also valued in secular contexts as an ideal to aspire to in interpersonal relationships and in society as a whole. It is seen as the foundation for building a more compassionate, inclusive, and harmonious world, where individuals treat each other with kindness, empathy, and respect.

Practicing agape love involves putting the needs of others before one’s own, showing compassion and empathy towards those who are suffering, and actively working to promote justice, equality, and peace. It is a love that transcends barriers of race, religion, nationality, and ideology, and seeks to unite humanity in a spirit of mutual understanding and cooperation.

Overall, agape is a profound and transformative form of love that has the power to inspire and uplift individuals, strengthen communities, and bring about positive change in the world. It serves as a guiding principle for living a life of compassion, generosity, and service to others, and embodies the highest ideals of human morality and ethics.

Agape is often described as a love that transcends human understanding and is not limited by human frailties or imperfections. It is a pure, self-giving love that is freely given without expectation of anything in return. Agape is seen as the foundation of moral and ethical behaviour, as it motivates individuals to act in ways that promote the greater good and the well-being of others.

5. Playful Love Or Affection (Ludus)

Ludus refers to playful or flirtatious love. It is characterized by a lighthearted, casual approach to relationships and is often associated with the early stages of romantic love or infatuation. Ludus is playful, fun, and not necessarily focused on long-term commitment.

Ludus is a Greek word that translates to “play” or “game” in English, and it refers to a playful or flirtatious form of love. In the context of relationships, ludus describes a lighthearted and fun approach to love characterized by teasing, flirting, and playful interactions.

Ludus is often associated with the early stages of romantic relationships, where partners are getting to know each other and exploring their feelings. It is a form of love that is light-hearted, spontaneous, and focused on enjoying the moment rather than on long-term commitment.

People who exhibit ludus in their relationships may enjoy the thrill of the chase, the excitement of new romantic encounters, and the playful banter that comes with flirting. They may value spontaneity, excitement, and novelty in their relationships and may be less concerned with deep emotional connections or long-term compatibility.

While ludus can be a fun and enjoyable aspect of relationships, it is important to note that it is not necessarily a mature or sustainable form of love. Ludus is often seen as more superficial than other forms of love, such as pragma (practical love) or agape (unconditional love), as it is based more on the excitement of the moment rather than on deep emotional or spiritual connections.

Overall, ludus can be a playful and enjoyable aspect of romantic relationships, but it is important for individuals to be mindful of balancing it with other forms of love that are more grounded in mutual respect, understanding, and commitment.

6. Enduring Or Practical Love (Pragma)

Pragma is a type of practical, realistic love that is based on compatibility, mutual goals, and shared values. It is often found in long-term relationships or marriages where partners work together to build a life based on mutual understanding and respect. Pragma is about making compromises and nurturing the relationship over time.

Pragma is a Greek term that refers to a type of love that is practical, rational, and based on mutual benefits. Unlike some other forms of love, such as Eros (romantic love) or Ludus (playful love), which are often based on emotions or attractions, pragma is more focused on reason and compatibility.

Pragma is often associated with long-term relationships, such as marriages, where partners are committed to each other for practical reasons, such as shared goals, values, or life circumstances. Pragma involves a deep understanding of the other person, acceptance of their flaws, and a willingness to work together to overcome challenges and build a life together.

People who exhibit pragma in their relationships are often practical, realistic, and goal-oriented. They may prioritize qualities such as stability, security, and compatibility over intense emotions or passion. Pragma is often seen as a mature and thoughtful form of love that develops over time through shared experiences and mutual respect.

In modern contexts, pragma is often viewed as an important aspect of successful long-term relationships. While the initial spark of romantic love (Eros) may fade over time, pragma can help sustain a relationship by providing a strong foundation of compatibility, understanding, and mutual support.

Overall, pragma is a complex and multifaceted form of love that emphasizes practicality, compatibility, and mutual benefit. It is an important aspect of many long-term relationships and can contribute to the stability and happiness of those involved.

Many relationships that start off as eros or ludus end up as various combinations of storge and pragma. Pragma may seem opposed to ludus, but the two can co-exist, with the one providing a counterpoint to the other.

7. Self Love (Philautia)

Philautia is self-love or love of the self. It can be either healthy or unhealthy, depending on whether it is characterized by self-compassion, self-acceptance, and self-care, or by narcissism, self-centeredness, and vanity. Philautia is considered an important aspect of love, as it forms the foundation for how we relate to others and ourselves.

Philautia is a Greek term that refers to self-love or love of the self. It can be understood in two distinct ways: healthy self-love and unhealthy self-love.

Healthy Self-Love: In its positive form, philautia represents a healthy sense of self-esteem, self-worth, and self-compassion. It involves recognizing and appreciating one’s own value, caring for one’s well-being, and cultivating a positive relationship with oneself. Healthy self-love is essential for mental health and overall well-being, as it helps individuals develop resilience, confidence, and a sense of inner peace.

Unhealthy Self-Love: On the other hand, philautia can also refer to a negative form of self-love characterized by narcissism, self-centeredness, and vanity. In this sense, philautia becomes excessive self-love that prioritizes one’s own needs, desires, and interests above all else. Unhealthy self-love can lead to selfish behavior, a lack of empathy towards others, and a distorted sense of self-importance.

In ancient Greek philosophy, philautia was often considered in relation to other forms of love, such as agape (unconditional love) and philia (brotherly love). Philosophers like Aristotle and Plato emphasized the importance of cultivating a balanced and virtuous form of self-love that is grounded in reason, moderation, and ethical principles.

In modern psychology, healthy self-love is seen as an important aspect of mental health and well-being. It involves developing self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-compassion, which are essential for building resilience, managing stress, and forming healthy relationships with others.

Overall, philautia represents a complex and nuanced concept that encompasses both positive and negative aspects of self-love. When practiced in a healthy and balanced way, self-love can be a powerful force for personal growth, fulfillment, and happiness.

Healthy self-love, on the other hand, is akin to self-esteem, which is our cognitive and, above all, emotional appraisal of our own worth. More than that, it is the matrix through which we think, feel, and act, and reflects on our relation to ourselves, to others, and to the world.

In everyday language, “self-esteem” and “self-confidence” tend to be used interchangeably. However, self-esteem and self-confidence do not always go hand in hand. In particular, it is possible to be highly self-confident and yet to have profoundly low self-esteem, as is the case, for example, with many performers and celebrities.

People with healthy self-esteem do not need to prop themselves up with externals such as income, status, or notoriety, or lean on crutches such as alcohol, drugs, or sex. They are able to invest themselves completely in projects and people because they do not fear failure or rejection.

These different types of love are not mutually exclusive and can coexist in various combinations in different relationships. Understanding these distinctions can help us appreciate the complexity and richness of human relationships and the many ways in which love can manifest in our lives.

Types Of Love Spells

From simple charms to elaborate ceremonies, learn about the different types of love spells and their purported effects.

Love spells come in various forms, each with its own rituals, practices, and intentions. Some love spells are done on oneself, while others are projected outwardly at a specific person or to draw someone in.

Here are some common types of love spells:

  • Attraction Spells: These spells are designed to attract love or romantic interest from a specific person or to draw new love into the practitioner’s life. They often involve using charms, candles, or incantations to enhance personal magnetism and attractiveness.
  • Binding Spells: Binding spells are intended to create a lasting bond or connection between two people. They are often used in relationships to strengthen commitment, deepen emotional connection, or prevent infidelity. However, binding spells can be controversial due to ethical considerations regarding free will.
  • Reconciliation Spells: These spells are used to heal rifts or conflicts in a relationship and to restore harmony and love between partners. They may involve rituals to promote forgiveness, understanding, and communication.
  • Passion Spells: Passion spells are aimed at increasing the intensity of romantic feelings and physical attraction between partners. They may involve invoking the energy of passion or using herbs and oils associated with love and desire.
  • Self-Love Spells: Self-love spells focus on cultivating self-love, confidence, and positive self-esteem. They are intended to help practitioners love themselves more fully and attract healthy, loving relationships into their lives.
  • Healing Spells: Healing spells are used to heal emotional wounds, past traumas, or negative experiences that may be hindering one’s ability to love and be loved. They can promote emotional healing and create space for new love to enter one’s life.
  • Protection Spells: Protection spells are used to protect oneself or a relationship from negative energies, influences, or external forces that may threaten love and harmony. They can create a shield of positive energy around the practitioner or their relationship.

Dangers Of Love Magic

It’s important to note that the effectiveness of love magic can vary depending on the power and intentions of the practitioner, the specific rituals used, and the ethical considerations involved. Practitioners should approach love spells with caution and respect for the free will and well-being of themselves and others.

Love magic, like any form of magic, can have potential dangers and consequences.

For example, a love spell was cast on me and this woman I was dating. At the time, I didn’t know this. In fact, I didn’t even know magic was real. I remember on several occasions I tried to end the relationship but I kept getting pulled back in. The magic was binding us together.

For years after we broke up my mind was constantly being drawn to her. At times it was difficult to focus. It also made it hard to move on to a new relationship.

Love spells, like any form of magic, can have potential dangers and ethical considerations that practitioners should be aware of. Here are some of the potential dangers associated with love spells:

  • Manipulation of Free Will: Love magic can be used to manipulate or control the feelings of others. This can lead to unhealthy and coercive relationships based on false or artificially induced emotions.
  • Unintended Consequences: Performing love magic without careful consideration or respect for the free will of others can lead to negative consequences. The energy sent out through the magic may return to the caster with unintended or harmful effects. For example, the spell may result in a superficial attraction rather than a genuine emotional connection, or it may cause harm to other relationships. Additionally, trying to end a relationship bound by magic can be difficult and, sometimes, may need the assistance of a powerful shaman, or spiritual practitioner.
  • Obsession or Dependency: Until you learn to fully love yourself, you will be destined for codependent relationships. If you have a history of dependency in your relationship it can lead to feelings of obsession or possessiveness which will only be amplified with magic. This can lead to unhealthy attachment and a messy break-up. In this situation you may want to focus on self-love magic to attract situations that will teach you to love yourself first.
  • Karmic Consequences: In some belief systems, performing manipulative, controlling, or harmful love magic can result in negative karmic consequences for the caster. For example, neglecting another person’s free-will may create a vulnerability for something similar to happen to you, thereby negatively affecting future relationships and experiences.
  • Interference with Spiritual Growth: Relying on love spells to manipulate relationships can interfere with personal and spiritual growth. It may prevent individuals from learning important lessons or experiencing natural growth and evolution in their relationships. This is why a shaman asks the spirit world to attract a partner with an emphasis on a relationship that will act as a catalyst for spiritual growth.
  • Ethical Considerations: Many ethical considerations surround the use of love spells, including issues of consent, respect for others’ feelings, and the potential for harm. Practitioners should carefully consider the ethical implications of their actions before casting a love spell.

Many people rely on magic to get what they want rather than what they need, especially with black magic. Oftentimes, people don’t actually know what they need. This is why it can be beneficial to contact a shaman to ask the spirit world to send what you need to grow and evolve.

Overall, the dangers of love magic stem from its potential to manipulate, control, or harm others. It’s important to approach love magic with respect, mindfulness, and a deep understanding of its potential impact on yourself and others.

When using love magic, take into consideration the different kinds of love. Are you interested in friendship love, passionate love, unconditional love, playful love, long-term love, or even self-love?

I don’t recommend using love magic on a specific person, but rather use a general spell to organically draw in someone that is a match for you with the potential of mutual spiritual and personal growth.

If you have a pattern of codependency, you may want to focus on personal growth and self-love. Self-love magic may attract situations and experiences to build a deeper connection with yourself. With self love comes self-awareness, natural confidence, and in time, an intimate relationship of two whole people.

Love spells continue to captivate the human imagination, offering a glimpse into a world where magic and romance intertwine. Whether you believe in their power or not, the truth about love spells is a complex and multifaceted tale that reveals as much about our beliefs and desires as it does about the mysteries of the universe. So, the next time you hear whispers of love spells and enchantments, remember that the truth may be stranger than fiction.

Shamanism And Love Spells

Although some shamans use magic, I have no need or desire to use magic. For example, when it comes to love magic I don’t want a relationship influenced by magic. I especially don’t want to manipulate or infringe on someone’s free will.

However, I do have access to spirit entities that “specialize” in finding relationships that are beneficial to both parties.

Shamans work with a variety of spirits for different purposes. Different spirits specialize in different things, much like how people specialize in different skill sets.

While humans are restricted to the 3rd dimension (the physical world), spirits exist within many higher dimensions with much more awareness than ourselves. This is why they can find a suitable partner and guide them to each other.

Additionally, the majority of love spells are used to get external results, whereas shamanism is about transforming the internal world first, much in the same way as the “law of attraction”.

One of the most important steps before finding a romantic partner is learning to find self-love, self-compassion, and self-awareness. It’s difficult to attract the right partner without knowing oneself thoroughly.

One of the greatest benefits of doing this first is that it creates an unshakable self-confidence void of arrogance and ego.

Shamanism is often seen as a holistic spiritual practice that seeks to heal and restore balance, while love spells are more focused on manipulating or influencing specific outcomes, such as attracting a romantic partner.

Love spells are a form of magic that is often used to attract love, enhance romantic relationships, or influence the emotions of others. For example, someone may cast a spell to make themselves more attractive, but it’s an illusion similar to how someone may use a picture of themselves from 15 years ago on a dating website; It’s somewhat deceptive to others.

While love spells can be controversial and raise ethical concerns, particularly when they involve influencing the emotions or free will of others, shamans may ask the spirit world to bring a partner into their life of their own free will for natural love or to enhance one’s spiritual practice.